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We’re First Responders when Your Floor Needs Gypsol Rapide.

Top Mix is Bristol’s leading specialist in liquid gypsum floor screeds, providing professional installation of Gypsol Rapide screeds in Bristol for residential and commercial projects across the city. With years of experience, we have established ourselves as the top choice for a fast-drying, high-quality screed floor.

What is Gypsol Rapide Screed?

Gypsol Rapide in Bristol is a pump-applied liquid gypsum screed that offers numerous advantages over traditional sand cement screeds:

In short, Gypsol Rapide in Bristol provides time and cost savings without compromising quality.

Benefits of Using Top Mix for Your Screed Floor

With vast experience installing 1000s of m2 of Gypsol Rapide screed in Bristol homes and businesses, Top Mix leads the way in providing:

In short, you get a high-quality, rapid dry screed floor laid right the first time.

Types of Projects Where We Use Gypsol Rapide

With unique advantages over other screeds, Gypsol Rapide in Bristol is an ideal flooring solution for:

Residential Homes

Commercial Spaces

Some specific examples:

The Installation Process

We take great care to ensure your screed floor is laid correctly and ready for finishes on schedule: 

  1. Survey: To determine project requirements and the best Gypsol mix 
  2. Site Prep: Any levelling, insulation, or screening put in place
  3. Installation: Gypsol Rapide pumped to the required thickness and smoothed
  4. Curing: Careful moisture control and temperature management 
  5. Drying: Conduct moisture tests to confirm dryness
  6. Finishes: Your selected floor finishes can now be safely applied

Why Choose Top Mix?

With several successful Gypsol Rapide installations across Bristol, Top Mix has proven itself as a trusted specialist. By choosing us for your project, you are guaranteed:

Delivering Complex and Sensitive Projects

Beyond our extensive experience with typical residential and commercial installations, Top Mix has successfully handled major high-profile screed projects with additional complexity:

  1. Historic Buildings – Working on heritage sites like the Bodleian Library, we ensure screeds are sympathetic to protected existing structures.
  1. Critical Environments – Our work in laboratories and clean rooms follows strict contamination control procedures.
  1. Noise & Vibration Control – Projects like concert halls use us to create specialist floated acoustic floors.
  1. Phased Construction – For major multi-year projects like Blenheim Palace, we manage phased screed installation across buildings.

For new builds or renovations, commercial spaces or homes, Top Mix should be your first choice for a specialist floor screed in Bristol. Contact us today.